Contract Works

Working on a construction site has its risks, but what if the work you are carrying out is damaged due to no fault of your own, leaving extensive damage to your partially-complete project?

With some of your contracts, you may be liable for the repair costs which could potentially leave you having to do more work with no additional payment.

In such an event, Contract Works Insurance organised by the team here at Fulwood Insurance Services will see you through.

Two construction workers
Construction workers

What is Contract Works Insurance?


Separate from Tradesman Insurance, a Contract Works Insurance policy exists to help you should you become liable for a damaged project you haven’t finished.

Whilst your client’s Home Insurance should cover existing structures, the same cannot be said about the buildings you’re part-way through.

The potential cost you could incur without a Contract Works policy could be disastrous for your company, so it’s essential if you work on such projects.

What am I covered for with Contract Works Insurance?


If a heavy storm tears apart your foundations and you need to start from scratch, this policy can cover you in such an event.

Or if a fire from elsewhere spreads across your structure and leaves the construction site unsafe to enter and consequently delays your project, you are protected. Cover can also include damage caused by theft or vandalism and more.

Let Fulwood Insurance Services get to know your business and, with the insurance policy we source, we can assure that your venture is built on solid foundations, able to withstand anything that comes in its way.

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Construction worker using laptop with wind farm in background at sunset

Policy benefits

Comprehensive protection against damaged unfinished projects

Cover against fire, flood, storm and other environmental issues

Additional protection against theft, vandalism and malicious or accidental damage

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